
Today, any well-established company of a large or medium size operating in any market uses a CRM system. Among other things, the CRM consistently stores various communications with existing and potential customers (calls, emails, messages and chats from corporate website and social media) in the digital but sometimes poorly structured form.
The data is carefully accumulated while not very much used. However, this archive can become a real competitive advantage.
The idea is to use data to accurately segmentize customers by their demographic, geographic, behavioral, and psychological characteristics for better targeting of advertising and marketing campaigns, as well as for sales performance increase.
The possible economically feasible solution is careful automated data processing with the use of Sentino API.

Generally accepted customer classification criteria:
- Demographic (age, income, relationship status/family, job type)
- Geographic (location, urbanization)
- Behavioral (behavior trends)
- Psychological (personality traits, needs, values).
The initial customer segmentation is performed, based on geographic and demographic characteristics. It allows to make a list of several major customer segments.
The next step is data scoring with Sentino API. We use AI, NLP and Deep Neural Networks for humanly precise understanding of any text. We transcribe the data into the text form and score it with our AI-powered tool developed based on the semantic text analysis. Sentino transfers any unstructured text or individual facts about a person into scores according to grading scales of various scientifically proven psychological inventories (BIG 5, RIASEC, ORVIS, DISC or any other by the request).
After, the intelligent Sentino tool generates a typical personality profile of a customer from each previously detected segment. The profile includes such important characteristics as customer needs and values, emotions and sentiments, customer preferences. Behavioral analysis helps to detect customer experience, behavioural trends and patterns, typical decision-making mechanisms, etc.
Finally, Sentino delivers a report that includes recommendations (the so-called do’s and don’ts) for each customer segment. It also allows to compare profiles for different customer segments with each other. Moreover, the customer segments with the highest current and potential value can be pointed out. The latest fact opens up a good scope of work for corporate marketing and sales teams.

- Effective use of vast data from the CRM system
- Careful consideration of specific personality traits of a “typical customer” form each segment
- Needs-based and value-based customer segmentation
- The fullest consideration of customer behaviour, preferences, expectations
- Personification of advertising, marketing, and sales campaigns
- Sales volume increase