
Every day, all over the world, people make one of the most difficult decisions in their lives: to leave their homes in search of a safer, better life. Following the arrival of a large number of migrants in Europe, the problem of their integration has become a really pressing issue. Vocational education and training (VET) systems have potential to facilitate the integration of migrants. The capacity of these systems to provide a pathway into successful careers is under intense scrutiny in EU Member States. Their effective functioning can ensure the achievement of better outcomes for both migrants and economies as a whole.
The professionals (i.e. social workers, transcultural mediators, volunteers, law enforcement operators, etc.) dealing with migrants, asylum seeker, and refugees in various points across the European Union, during their move and over their stay in host countries, should have keen knowledge and correspondent skills in the following fields: the migratory phenomenon, legal area, medical and social-medical area (epidemiological picture of migration, health determinants), psychological area (mental health, stress identification), anthropological area (principles of cultural anthropology). However, they do not always have targeted tools to better address urgent needs. In particular, there is a lack of dedicated tools in the realm of personality psychology that:
- Are able to deliver useful psychological insights and multifaceted personality portraits
- Are properly validated and reliable
- Can be easily adapted to the country context and specific needs

Each human being has more than one identity. “Refugee”, “migrant”, and “asylum seeker” are only temporary terms. They do not reflect the whole identity of women, children and men who have left their homes behind to start a new life in a new country. They only refer to one experience: that of leaving a home country. But the identities of these people are made up of so many more things.
That is why we should employ personality psychology to get unbiased personality insights and facilitate migrant integration into host countries. Sentino has already developed a dedicated B2G tool – Interview Semantic Analysis API.
After their arrival to a host country, migrants undergo numerous checks, verifications, and assessments. Among other things, they are interviewed by representatives of different authorities. Audio or video records of these interviews, if properly scored with the use of Personality AI, can become a valuable source of personality-related findings. At that, there is no need to organize a separate psychological testing procedure. The whole personality assessment process with Sentino includes just 6 easy steps:
1. Determination of personality traits of interest
Determination of personality traits and facets, which are of particular interest for specialists of a VET system and require assessment. Currently, there is a list of up to 250 traits available. They are determined based on 20+ validated and widely used psychological inventories (Big 5, NEO-PI, RIASEC, DISC, ORVIS, etc. – the list can be further supplemented by the request).
2. Interview record submission
Uploading of a text, audio or video file via Sentino Interview Dashboard.
3. Interview record pre-processing
Conversion of audio or video record into text with the use of AI-based transcription software.
4. AI-powered interview scoring
Semantic analysis of the interview text performed by Sentino API and generation of the comprehensive personality portrait that includes the traits selected within Step 1.
Interview Semantic Analysis API is a data-driven AI tool developed based on the state-of-the-art NLP/ML technologies. We continuously perform researches and upgrade our technical solution striving for high accuracy. Our API transforms the unstructured natural text of the interview into psychologically meaningful representation and links it to scientific personality inventories.
5. Report downloading
Downloading of the complete report from Sentino Interview Dashboard.
6. Decision making
Recent studies show that most migrants have jobs. That’s good news both for their own economic situation and that of their host countries,
which benefit from immigrants’ talent and from the taxes they pay. But migrants could do even better, especially when it comes to meeting their full potential. As a result of the migrants’ uncertain or undocumented status, they suffer from what is called “skill downgrading”, as they tend to work in sectors that require fewer skills.
Multifaceted personality profiles delivered by Sentino form an insightful and reliable basis for assessment and decision making in the field of vocational guidance, employment and career pathways for migrants.
Please note that ethical approach to AI employment requires adhering to fundamental values like individual rights, privacy, non-discrimination, and non-manipulation. That is why AI should not be used as a single decision-making source. Best practices stipulate its application in conjunction with other sources of information and human judgement. Ethical use of AI opens up numerous and significant advantages.

- Higher rate of post‐migration success in host countries
- Standardized scientific approach to personality assessment (validated and globally recognized assessment tools)
- Fine adjustment of AI-based psychological models to a particular population group/market (Sentino continuously re-traines the models to keep high accuracy)
- Easy customization (integration of new languages within a short time period)
- Fair and unbiased decisions based on careful consideration of specific personality traits