Sentino Personality API – Psychology NLP

Personality API, Big Five

FREE Psychodiagnostic Chatbot – Registration

Welcome to Sentino’s Psychodiagnostic Chatbot Registration Page

To embark on your journey of self-discovery and gain deep insights into your personality, follow the simple steps below to register and log in to Sentino’s Psychodiagnostic Chatbot.

Explore Our Psychodiagnostic Chatbot*

It’s Completely Free for Individual Users!

No Card Needed

Step 1: Register at the Sentino Website for Free

1. Visit the Registration Page.
Use the “Log In” button located at the top right of each page or CLICK HERE to go directly to the registration page.

Log In Button - Sentino Website

2. Select the “Join Now” Option.
On the Log In web page, click on the “Join Now” button at the bottom left to get your free membership from Sentino.

Join Now Button

3. Select SILVER Membership Level.
From the proposed list, select the “Silver” membership level. It is completely free for individual users.

Free SILVER Membership Level from Sentino

4. Enter Your Account Credentials.
Enter your username (avoid using sensitive information that could identify you personally), password, password confirmation, and email address. Securely save your credentials for further use.

Carefully read through our SAAS Terms of Service. Check the box to confirm your acceptance and submit the form.

Sentino Website Account Credentials

5. Receive Your Membership Confirmation.
After submitting your registration form, you will receive your membership confirmation email.

Sentino membership Confirmation

Step 2: Use Sentino Credentials to Access the Cahtbot Login Page

1. Follow the Link to Access the Chatbot.
Click the button below to access the Psychodiagnostic Chatbot from Sentino.

2. Specify Your Account Credentials.
Enter your username and password.

Note: You should use the same credentials that you have previously specified during Step 1!

Step 3: Start Your Personality Assessment

Upon successful login, your personalized dashboard offers the following features:

  • Start New Assessments.
    Choose from over 20 scientifically validated questionnaires to begin your personality testing.
  • Review Past Results.
    Access your past test results, summaries, and detailed psychological profiles.
  • Update Profile.
    Modify your user profile to reflect any changes or new assessment results.
Sentino Chatbot Window

Visit the dedicated web page to get the detailed information on testing or immediately proceed with the registration process.

Explore Psychodiagnostic Chatbot* from Sentino

Start Your Free Personality Assessment Right Now

* Our testing methodology is based on the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP), a comprehensive, freely accessible public domain collection of personality-related items, ensuring robust and scientifically validated assessments.

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