8 IPIP Interpersonal Circumplex Scales (8 IPIP-ICS)*

The 8 IPIP Interpersonal Circumplex Scales (8 IPIP-ICS) were created to provide a free and publicly available alternative to the longer Inventory of Interpersonal Problems – Circumplex Scales (IIP-C), which was constructed using the original 127-item Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP). The authors of the IIP-SC are Soldz et al. (1995).
The 8 IPIP Interpersonal Circumplex Scales use simple language to assess the same eight domains of the interpersonal circumplex: domineering, vindictive, cold, socially avoidant, nonassertive, exploitable, overly nurturant, and intrusive. The two underlying factors for these dimensions are dominance and affiliation. Dominance refers to the extent to which a person tries to control or influence others, while affiliation refers to the extent to which a person seeks closeness or intimacy with others.
The inventory is intended for use in research and applied settings. It efficiently measures interpersonal concerns and complements longer assessments under time constraints. The brevity and understandability of this assessment makes it a valuable tool for assessing interpersonal functioning across diverse populations.
For Individuals:
- Understanding of own interpersonal style and its perception by others
- Gaining insight into one’s interpersonal problems
- Identifying areas for personal growth and development
- Choosing careers that fit one’s interpersonal style
For Companies:
- Identifying interpersonal problems that may affect productivity of individuals and teams, morale, and corporate culture
- Identifying areas where communication may break down or conflicts may arise
- Identifying areas where employees may need additional training or support
The 8 IPIP Interpersonal Circumplex Scales provide a robust, empirically-validated assessment of interpersonal styles. The 8 dimensions give a nuanced picture of how people interact. This tool has many applications for furthering self-understanding and improving interactions in personal and organizational contexts. This assessment can help individuals gain insight into their own interpersonal style and identify areas for personal growth and development. While for companies, it is extremely useful in identification of interpersonal problems that may affect productivity and morale, as well as areas where employees may need additional training or support.
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* We use the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) for our testing approach. It’s a collection of items managed by the Oregon Research Institute, freely available to the public. This tool helps us assess personality traits, and because it’s open-source, it promotes broad research and practical use.