Sentino Personality API – Psychology NLP

Personality API, Big Five

Sentino Personality API – Psychology NLP

Personality API, Big Five

Interview Semantic Analysis API

Sentino API for Interview Scoring

Sentino Interview API – Processing in 4 Easy Steps

Does your range of responsibilities include extracting personality insights from unstructured texts of audio or video records? Are you interested in deep understanding of personality psychology, while saving time and effort? If so, please continue reading. We are going to present Sentino Interview API – a useful tool just for you!

Sentino API for Interview Scoring is one of our latest and most popular AI products. It puts the state-of-art NLP stack at the disposal of specialists, teams, and companies across various verticals:

  • HR Management
    (hiring interviews with prospective candidates; personal or sensitive conversations with existing staff)
  • Occupational Health and Safety
    (interviews recorded in the course of investigation of workplace incidents)
  • Insurance
    (interviews recorded during the process of investigation of insured accidents and events)
  • Marketing
    (interviewing of customer for investigation of needs and motives; interviewing of thought leaders for quality marketing content creation)
  • Law
    (interviews recorded in search for legal backing for lawsuits)
  • EdTech
    (interviews recorded for social integration or vocational guidance purposes).

Make unbiased and substantiated decisions with Sentino Interview API

Search new employees with Sentino API

Step 1 – Interview Recording and Submission

Sentino Interview Dashboard

Based on a prior individual’s consent, make a video or audio record of the interview with him/her and file this record to us. Take advantage of the easy-to-use Sentino Interview Dashboard to upload your file and monitor its processing status. Press “Submit” and relax – we will automate all the subsequent challenging tasks!

Sentino Interview Dashboard - Start Screen

Step 2 – Interview Transcription and Pre-processing

AI Speech Recognition Software

We use AI speech recognition software to convert audio and video content into transcripts and employ those for text mining. The whole text is initially split into individual sentences. Then each sentence is sub-divided into chunks. Sentino Interview API carefully classifies all sentences and chunks. After, it links the obtained psychological data to 20+ validated personality inventories and accurately scores it.

Step 3 – Personality Profiling

AI-based personality assessment - Infographics

Sentino AI-powered Solution

The innovative Sentino solution builds a multi-dimensional psychological vector space based on BIG-5, NEO, BFAS, RIASEC, DISC or other suitable scales chosen by you. Psychological items are grouped there into facets. A person is represented as a vector in this vector space that can be easily projected onto traits and facets. All and any sentences and chunks, previously classified as psy-items, contribute to the comprehensive personality portrait. You receive this portrait in a clearly arranged form comprising a numerical score, graphical representation, brief but insightful text description, and recommendations. You should only download the complete report from Sentino Interview Dashboard in one click.


Numerical values show the individual’s score for each of separate traits or test dimensions. Quantitative results are submitted in an easy-to-use infographic form.

Graphical Representation

Based on prior agreement with you, we plot various types of graphs and diagrams illustrating the individual’s score, correlations and interdependencies between traits and facets, as well as the comparison of the particular profile with other profiles of real persons or an “ideal” person, as the case can be.

AI-based personality assessment - Graphical Representation

Text Description

The text report contains a brief general description of people scoring high or low on the relevant trait (depending on the particular score values received) and adds individual peculiarities characterizing the person under study in more detail.


Based on the score and other reports, we generate our recommendations, the so-called “do’s” and “don’ts” that can form the basis for decision making in various spheres or consulting.

However, please take into consideration that AI-powered personality assessment tool cannot be used alone. Instead, you should obtain and consider the data from all the available sources.

AI-based personality assessment - Text recommendations

Step 4 – Enjoying Benefits

Interview Semantic Analysis API

Stay up to date with Sentino, save time and money, and enjoy your benefits:

  • Scientifically proven and validated psychological data
  • Transparency of results substantiated by raw data
  • Statistical confidence level for each personality-related finding
  • Unbiased and informed decisions made on reliable basis
  • Guess-work exclusion
  • Automation of repetitive and tedious tasks
  • Streamlining of the entire work process
  • Higher productivity and job satisfaction of HR specialists
AI-based personality insights

Get personality insights
for target audience

Supported Languages







If you need any other language, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

Your Data Is Safe

  • We run communication only through HTTPS
  • We follow the GDPR guidelines to the last word
  • We do not rely on third-party services. The data is all yours

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